An Inspiring Birth Story

Milo & Everett

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics has found that in 2009 — the most recent year for which complete information is available —  the cesarean section rate hit another record high at nearly 33 percent. The International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) points out that this is the 13th consecutive year cesarean rates have increased. It says a surgical birth rate of nearly 33 percent roughly equates to 1,359,105 out of the 4,131,019 births in the United States.  C-section rates for multiple births are even higher.  They are also higher for breech babies (some docs won’t even try to deliver a breech naturally), women with preeclampsia, and women whose labors are induced.  If you’re dealing with all of these issues, you’re almost guaranteed a date with a scalpel.

But not Elysia and her twins.  Please read their amazing story: [Read more…]