Car Seat Safety: Not as Simple as it Seems

Child in an improperly installed car seat (Image: Peter Kieper)

Families with heat-induced cabin fever may take to the roads this weekend.  Before you do, please read this (excerpted here):

…it may surprise you that car seats can actually be responsible for many injuries in children. Young children, especially infants, have weak spines and necks, so even a sharp stop can cause injury if a car seat is installed incorrectly.

In fact, states that car accidents are the number one killer of children due to improper installation of car seats or improper use of seat restraints, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 3 out of 4 parents fail to use child restraints properly.

Then, please, take a moment to read my personal experience with the importance of a properly installed carseat in this article, My Daughter’s Car Seat Saved her Life.

Proper car seat installation is SO important.

Be safe this weekend!


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